
Makroni Sekutel Keju

  Bahan-bahan 10 porsi " data-sort-url="/id/resep/175356-makroni-sekutel-kejuku/ingredients/sort"> 100 gram Makaroni 100 gram Daging Giling 2 buah Wortel secukupnya Daun Bawang secukupnya Keju Parut secukupnya Lada (Merica) secukupnya Garam 4 buah Telur Ayam secukupnya Penyedap Rasa (rayco) secukupnya Susu Cair secukupnya Tepung Terigu Langkah 60 menit Tambah foto " data-sort-url="/id/resep/175356-makroni-sekutel-kejuku/steps/sort"> Siapkan : 1. Daging Giling direbus, tiriskan 2. Wortel potong dadu direbus, tiriskan 3. Makroni...

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How to Make Mochi

  Mochi is Japanese sticky rice cake used both in savory and sweet dishes.  Mochi is usually made from sweet rice (also called Mochi rice) cooked and pounded until it becomes a paste that is very sticky and smooth, then formed into cakes or blocks.  It is often eaten in New Year’s Ozoni soup or baked with soy sauce.  Mochi made from cooked...

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Es Dawet Recipes.

    Es Dawet, is the only one Iced Drinks which came from Jepara, Indonesia, and this is a one of many favorite iced drinks in Indonesia. Indonesia has a lots of iced drinks, like Es Cendol, Es Degan, Es Dawet and etc. and Es Dawet is the most popular iced drinks. So, here is Es Dawet Recipes. Ingredients : - 300 ml...

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How to make red velvet cake

  Ingredients For the Red Velvet Cake: 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (recommended: White Lily) 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon cocoa 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar 2 eggs 1 1/2 cups canola oil 1 teaspoon vinegar 1 (1-ounce) bottle red food coloring 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup buttermilk For the cream cheese frosting: 1/2 cup margarine 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese 1...

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